Brazil Internet Natal

Brazil Internet Natal

On your Brazil travel northeast you will will discover that there is a growing number of places that offer Internet access in Natal.

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On your Brazil travel northeast you will will discover that there is a growing number of places that offer Internet access in Natal.

If your hotel accommodation does not provide Internet access to the Web, there are some to be found in the shopping areas and in a few bookstores.

Moreso than cyber cafes, Natal Brazil Internet access is more likely to be in LAN houses. LAN houses are springing up in ever increasing numbers right across Natal city and most will also have access to the Web.

In the Ponta Negra area, there are a number of restaurants and galleries that have room facilities with a few computers; look out for the 'Internet' signs. Several Brazil internet Natal LAN houses in the area offer modern machines at a good price, however, these can sometimes get overrun with children playing games.

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