Brazil Money Exchange

Brazil money exchange - credit/debit cards

There are a number of ways you can exchange currency or change money in Brazil.

Your options include credit/debit card cash withdrawal transactions; travellers cheques, cash (such as US dollars) or a combination of all three. Which ever method of Brazil currency exchange you use, it is a relatively straightforward process to change money in Brazil.

For credit card or debit card withdrawals, it is just a case of finding and using your card in one of the many ATM - cash advance machines, which can be found in banks, supermarkets, some pharmacies, at airports and in some petrol stations with shopping facility. For reasons of security, ATM cash advance machines will only allow withdrawals of R$60 between the hours of and

Obviously, you will need to have your personal identification number (PIN), which you must already have in agreement with your bank or credit card issuer, before your Brazil travel northeast. You should be aware that only Visa cards can be used to withdraw cash advances at ATMs of Banco do Brasil and Banco Bradesco. If you are a Mastercard holder, you will be able to make withdrawals at HSBC, Banco Mercatil and Itaú banks.

Brazil currency exchange - cash

Even if your main source of funding your Brazil travel northeast holiday is to be credit or debit card, it is still a good idea to take along a small to moderate amount of cash (US dollars). You can also throw in a few travellers checks as an emergency reserve, although you might want to learn about the downside of exchanging travellers cheques. You will find more information at the bottom of this page.

US dollars are not only easy to change in money exchange bureaus and in banks, this currency is readily accepted at numerous places and by businesses in larger cities, such as tour companies, luxury hotels, shops etc.,

You can change cash as well as travellers cheques at Brazil money exchange agencies - casa de câmbio, which are in all but the smallest of towns, Monday to Friday. You might be hard pressed to find a Brazil money exchange cambio open at the weekend, so be sure to keep enough cash to get you through the weekend.

Some Brazil banks will also exchange foreign currency. Take your passport along, since you may be required to show it.

Many Brazilian commercial outlets such as shops etc., will often struggle to provide small change when you make a purchase. It is adviseable that you get a good supply of small change or notes when you buying cash.

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