Brazil News
Brazil news agencies
There are several national news agencies in Brazil, each of which is
affiliated to and is maintained by major Brazil's newspapers or popular press. There is also a Brazil government news agency -
Agéncia Brasil.
In addition to the national Brazilian news agencies, there are a number of representations from countries such as Italy, Japan, China, Spain etc., The major international news agencies such as Reuters, Associated Press and Agence France-Press are located in areas such as in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia.
Agéncia Folha, Agéncia Globo, Panorama Brasil, and Agéncia Estado are
the four most influential of Brazilian news agencies. Three of these agencies are sponsored by their respective newspapers as follows:
Agéncia Folha was founded and is being sponsored by Folha de São Paulo. The newspaper is considered to be the largest daily medium for news on Brazil
Agéncia O Globo receive sponsorship from O Globo
Brasil newspaper, which incidentally, also owns the TV Globo corporation
Agéncia Estado, is sponsored by the O Estado de São Paulo newspaper Brazil and is considered to be one of the
largest of Brazil news agencies, that additionally delivers news via satellite links and via the Internet
Brazil newspaper
Though lacking a strong, early press tradition, Brazilian newspaper has been an influential mass media, with comprehensive coverage of international news, current events, politics...
Brazil magazines
Popular fashion and women's magazines and Natal Rio Grande do Norte edition; but only if you speak Portuguese. On your Brazil travel northeast, take your own reading...
Brazil Television
Brazil tv has greatly influenced Brazilian society and culture, in
addition to being an important source of information, at every socio-economic level. On your Brazil travel northeast, cable tv...
Brazil Internet
Brazil Internet access, including broadband Internet is widespread in the north east, in many hotels, shopping centers, Internet cafes and is relatively inexpensive to get connected. Just be sure to...
Brazil Radio
Brazil radio has been the most pervasive of Brasil's mass media
up until recently and is still relied on heavily by those living
in the interior. On your Brazil travel northeast, a small radio...
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