Brazil population

Demographics of Brazil population Brazil

Historically Brazil’s population has always experienced interracial marriages, racial miscegenation and an assimilation of cultures, perhaps moreso than anywhere else in the world. Yet despite this, the Brazil language by large, remains Portuguese.

As a consequence, the population of Brazil is very diverse, comprising many races and ethnic groups that can be traced back to four main sources of migration that include Amerindians, Europeans, Asian people and African people, - the large number of African slaves imported to Brazil during the slave trade years included, Angola, Nigeria and the Ivory Coast.

While in the early days of colonization such groups comprised of those mentioned above, People of Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Jewish, German, Syrian, Japanese and Lebanese ethnicity also settled in Brazil - especially in the Southern parts.

Facts about the population of Brazil

From 1872, Brazil has conducted a population census and these records help to show that in terms of its size and people, Brazil is by far the largest country in South America, having nearly half of the continent's area and people:

  • Worldwide, Brasil is ranked fifth in both land area and the size of its population, which is as diverse as it is large

  • Approximately 54 percent (95 million) of the Brazilian population are mainly of European origin, descendants of immigrants who traveled to Brasil's shores

  • More than 45 percent (80 million) of Brazil population are black or of mixed-race, a legacy of the African slave trade

  • Less than 1 percent (700,000) are from indigenous groups, mostly indigenous Indian people within the Amazon rainforest region

  • A smaller percentage of the population of Brazil, - including Asians, Japanese and Arab people live in the larger Brazilian cities

  • Whether in the North, South, or Northeast Brazil, the vast majority of the Brazilian population inhabit the coastal side of the country while the interior of the country is sparsely populated, with the indigenous population concentrated near the Amazon River Basin.

    Do make a point of getting to the Amazon river before you return from your Brazil travel northeast.

    Learn More About The Brazilian Language

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