Brazil Restaurant
Ethnic food restaurants Brazil
Many an ethnic Brazil restaurant can be found on your Brazil travel northeast.
Owing to the generations of Portuguese, in addition to the many other immigrant groups, you wont be short on ethnic foods from which to choose.
While ethnic food restaurants in Brazil may be slightly more expensive than Brazilian cuisine, it is still excellent value for money and most certainly cheaper than in your own country.
Sushi Japanese Food
Ethnic food restaurants that are commonly found in Brasil include,
Japanese cuisine, (sushi), Italian - pizza, Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, Chinese etc., Most towns in the north east will have a good selection of ethnic Brazil restaurants. Althhough you might need to travel to some of the larger cities with predominant ethnic groups, in search of a greater choice of their specialist cuisine.
Belém, for example, which is further up the coast toward the north, boasts several excellent Japanese restaurants, as a direct result of a Japanese colony which was founded approximately fifty years ago in the interior.
If it is your intention to travel further afield from Brazil northeast into some of the southern states such São Paulo, the
Italian and Lebanese ethnic food influence is very strong in this region. You will find a very wide selection of excellent ethnic food restaurants such as Italian, Lebanese and Japanese.
Brasil restaurant servings
Brazil restaurants are notorious for serving extremely large portions, despite their very reasonable pricing structure. Portion size is generally not indicated and in some cases, Brazil restaurants will only serve food for two people.
This can seem an awful waste, especially if you are a lone diner.
If that's the case, many restaurants will upon request, agree to a lesser serving if you are dining alone. However, expect to pay between 60 to 70% of the price listed on the menu.
A common practice among many restaurants Brazil, is to present
you with food offerings as soon as you arrive. These will range
from small amounts of finger foods to more substantial selections. Be aware that if you accept these initial offerings, you will be expected to pay for them. However, owing to the relative inexpensive nature of restaurants in Brasil, these will make a rather small addition to your bill. If you don't want them, politely ask the waiter to remove them.
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