Travel Brazil

Train travel Brazil

Although there is an extensive Brazil rail network, most of it is not passenger trains but cargo. Passenger train services were scaled down owing to significant debt and those that are, still in operation, are creaking under the strain of age, are slow and inconvenient.

If you hoping to brazil travel northeast by train, you will be disappointed. Train travel service in the northeast is scant - Natal for instance, currently has no train travel service. Although Brazil's rail network of trains are in for a major overhaul in preparation for growing tourism, they are not there yet.

Despite this, if you have time on your side, and are planning to visit some of Brazil's other states or cities, further afield in Minas Gerais and the southern parts of Brasil, there are a number of tourist journeys that give you opportunity to travel Brasil by train to see some stunning scenery. These are, (in priority order) the trip from Curitiba to Paranagua, which has absolutely beautiful views of coastal mountain range; also, Belo Horizonte-Vitoria run, via Santa Barbara and Sabara.

Be prepared for a long, though pleasant journey, since what Brazil travel by trains lack in speed, they more than make up for with these truly beautiful scenic journeys. Incidentally, steam trains in Brazil are effectionately called 'Marias Fumaca, which means Smoking Marys.

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